General Questions

Where do you offer services?

I offer both in-person and virtual (teletherapy) services. I am a licensed psychologist in New York State and provide in-person services in my conveniently located New York City office in Columbus Circle.

I also offer virtual therapy sessions for clients who prefer the convenience and flexibility of online therapy. Virtual sessions are conducted securely through a HIPAA-compliant video conferencing platform, allowing you to access therapy from the comfort of your own space. Because I am a licensed NYS psychologist, I provide virtual therapy sessions for anyone in New York State.

I am also a registered telehealth provider in Florida, so I am authorized to provide virtual therapy services for clients residing in Florida.

What are your office hours?
Office hours vary, but I try to accommodate each person’s needs whenever possible.
Why do you offer a free 15-minute phone/video consultation?
I offer a no-cost consultation by phone/video to better understand your situation and reasons for seeking therapy and determine if I can help. During this consultation, you can also ask me questions to help you decide if we are a good fit.
How do I schedule an appointment?
You can call, email, or complete the Contact form to reach me. We can decide whether to meet for a more extended, 45-minute consultation session at the end of our initial consultation. You can contact me later if you need additional time to decide about working with me.
How much does therapy cost?
Therapy fees vary depending on session length and type of therapy. I offer competitive rates. Please get in touch with me for specific pricing information.

Questions About Therapy

What is "psychotherapy?"
Psychotherapy, also known as talk therapy or counseling, is a collaborative process between a therapist and a client to improve the client’s mental health and well-being. It involves exploring thoughts, feelings, and behaviors to identify and address challenges, develop coping strategies, and achieve personal growth.
What is contemporary psychoanalytic psychotherapy?

Contemporary psychoanalytic psychotherapy is a dynamic and evolving therapeutic approach that integrates modern perspectives and techniques and builds upon the foundational perspectives and techniques of traditional psychoanalysis. It emphasizes the exploration of unconscious processes, developmental experiences, and the significance of interpersonal relationships in shaping current behaviors and emotions.

However, unlike classical psychoanalysis, it typically involves more focused treatment approaches with a therapist who takes on a more active role in guiding the therapeutic process. One of its key features is emphasizing the therapeutic relationship as a vehicle for change. Patients are gently encouraged to openly explore their thoughts, feelings, and conflicts to develop a meaningful and significant understanding of unconscious and recurring themes and conflicts that are contributing to their distress. It also incorporates techniques from other therapeutic modalities, such as Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT), mindfulness, and relational therapy, which are used to help clients develop coping strategies, enhance self-awareness, and improve interpersonal skills.

There is ample empirical research demonstrating that psychoanalytic psychotherapy is equally effective as CBT and showing that, in comparison to CBT, the effects of psychoanalytic therapy last longer and increase after treatment is over.  For more information, click here and here.

Why do you integrate psychoanalytic psychotherapy with Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and mindfulness approaches?

Integrating psychoanalytic psychotherapy, CBT, and mindfulness practices honors the strengths of each modality while offering the most comprehensive and holistic approach to a wide range of psychological issues. 

Integration also allows me to tailor treatment to the unique needs and preferences of each client. By drawing from multiple modalities, I can adapt interventions to meet the needs of each client best.

Some clients may benefit from a more exploratory and insight-oriented approach, while others may need a more structured and skills-based intervention. Clients not only gain insight into their recurring issues, but also develop skills and resources to cope with future challenges more effectively. 

For example, psychoanalytic psychotherapy excels at delving into unconscious processes and early childhood experiences that shape current behaviors and emotions. By exploring these underlying dynamics, clients can gain insight into the root causes of their difficulties, which lays the groundwork for change.

Through integrated CBT techniques, clients can develop practical skills to challenge negative thoughts and behaviors that may be perpetuating their problems. 

Mindfulness practices cultivate present-moment awareness and self-compassion, which are beneficial for managing distressing emotions; reducing reactivity; and helping clients develop greater self-awareness, emotional regulation, and acceptance of their experiences. 

An integrative approach also addresses the complex interplay of thoughts, emotions, behaviors, and relationships, leading to deeper self-understanding, lasting change, and improved quality of life. It addresses the underlying causes of distress while also providing practical tools for managing symptoms. This provides a powerful and effective way to address the current issues and promote long-term resilience and well-being.   

How do I know if I need psychotherapy?

Psychotherapy can be beneficial for individuals experiencing a wide range of concerns, including anxiety, depression, relationship issues, trauma, grief, stress, and more. If you’re struggling with your emotions, relationships, or overall quality of life, therapy can be a helpful step toward healing and growth.

If you’re unsure whether individual therapy is right for you, consider reaching out for an initial consultation to discuss your concerns and explore your options.

Do you specialize in treating specific populations or issues?
I work with adult individuals and couples and have expertise in various areas, including anxiety, depression, trauma, LGBTQ+ concerns, relationship issues, and issues related to cultural diversity. I am a fluent Spanish speaker who strives to create an inclusive and affirming environment for individuals and couples from all backgrounds and identities.
What can I expect in a therapy session?
Therapy sessions typically last 45 minutes and occur weekly or bi-weekly, depending on your needs and preferences. During sessions, you’ll have the opportunity to discuss your concerns, explore underlying issues, set goals, and learn coping skills. I will provide a supportive, nonjudgmental environment to help you navigate your challenges.
How long does psychotherapy last?

The duration of psychotherapy varies depending on your needs and treatment goals. Some clients may benefit from short-term therapy that addresses specific issues, while others may engage in longer-term therapy for ongoing support and personal growth. I will work collaboratively with you to determine the most appropriate course of treatment.

Is psychotherapy confidential?
Yes, confidentiality and privacy are fundamental aspects of psychotherapy. I am legally and ethically bound to keep your sessions confidential, except in specific circumstances where there’s a risk of harm to yourself or others. Rest assured that your privacy and confidentiality are paramount in my practice.
How do I know if you're the right therapist for me?
Finding the “right” therapist is subjective but essential to a successful therapy experience. I suggest you consider factors such as the therapist’s ability to help you feel comfortable and supported, credentials, specialization, approach to therapy, personality, and availability when scheduling a brief initial phone/video consultation with me.
What happens if I miss a session or need to cancel a session?
Occasionally, things happen that require a client to miss or cancel an appointment. If you have a scheduled appointment, you must provide a 48-hour cancellation notice. Missed sessions or late cancellations are subject to full-fee charges. I make exceptions to the No-Show and Cancellation policies in case of a serious or contagious illness or a home/family emergency. Having a clear policy is essential to me, so I discuss this policy in more detail with clients who agree to meet regularly.
What is couples therapy?

Couples therapy, also known as couples or marriage counseling, is designed to help couples improve their relationship and resolve conflicts. It involves a therapist who works with the couple to address issues such as communication problems, conflicts, intimacy issues, and other challenges that may be affecting their relationship.

Couples therapy aims to help partners gain insight into their relationship dynamics, learn effective communication and problem-solving skills, and strengthen their connection and bond.

How do we know if we need couples therapy?

Deciding if you need couples therapy can be a deeply personal and subjective decision. However, some signs and indicators suggest it could be beneficial, such as communication problems, repeated arguments, lack of intimacy, trust issues, major life transitions, conflicts about goals and values, and feeling stuck. Even if your relationship is generally healthy, couples therapy can offer preventative maintenance and a way to address minor issues before they escalate into more significant problems.

Ultimately, the decision to seek couples therapy depends on your circumstances, your willingness to engage in the therapeutic process, and your commitment to working with your partner to improve your relationship. If you’re unsure whether couples therapy is right for you, consider reaching out for an initial consultation to discuss your concerns and explore your options.

Questions About Me

What is your educational and training experience?
I have gained extensive clinical experience in various outpatient and inpatient settings in New York City. I completed a doctoral degree in Clinical Psychology in 2003 and then worked with children, adolescents, and adults. Soon after completing my doctoral training, I continued with post-doctoral training in psychoanalytic psychotherapy. I have been a licensed psychologist in New York State and have been in private practice for 19 years (since 2005). For more information, please visit my About page.
What are your strengths as a therapist?
Based on client feedback, my strengths include personal qualities and clinical skills. In terms of personal qualities, I have been described as warm, flexible, open, honest, respectful, trustworthy, and down to earth. Regarding therapy skills, my clients have commented on my tendency to explore and reflect, help them stay motivated, facilitate the expression of emotions, and attend to their experiences. The best consequence of these qualities is that they allow me to form a solid therapeutic alliance with clients.
Do you know what it feels like to be a client on the other side of the couch?

Yes. I believe personal therapy is beneficial to the therapist and necessary for constructive work with clients. In my opinion, every therapist should have had a personal therapy experience. One reason for my belief is that it can benefit personal development and help a therapist better understand themselves and work through the complexities and challenges of their life. Second, a therapist who is in therapy can also benefit clients. For example, a client would benefit from a therapist who can recognize blind spots and triggers and identify unconscious biases that might affect client reactions.

I hope this FAQ section has addressed some of your questions about psychotherapy and my practice. If you have any further inquiries or want to schedule an appointment, don’t hesitate to reach out.